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Job Fair in West Tampa

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Name: Job Fair in West Tampa
Date: July 26, 2017
Time: 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT
Rep Cruz Job Fair 2017
Event Description:
Help Wanted!  Need a job or shopping for a new career? Save the date of July 26 and stop by State Representative Janet Cruz's 8th Annual Job Fair at Higgins Hall.  The room will be packed with employers and local businesses looking for new hires.  Bring your resume and dress for success.  Doors open at 10am.  This event is free!

Welcome to West Tampa!  Be sure to stop by the West Tampa Chamber hospitality table for your personal copy of our West Tampa Chamber Membership Directory.  It lists our 200 members. Handy! The Directory is free!  

Hudson/Cruz Job Fair 2016Hospitality Crew Representing the West Tampa Chamber:
Adrienne Garcia - Right Hand Advisors
Tina Hurless - The Magnolia Spoon
Danny Camacho - Hillsborough Community College
Sharon Stegmeyer - Hillsborough Library Cooperative
Juan Santallana - A & A's Cleaners, Inc.
Higgins Hall
5225 N. Himes Ave.
Tampa, Florida  33614
Date/Time Information:
Wednesday, July 26, 2017
10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
Contact Information:
Free to all job seekers.
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